Candidate Management System to improve team efficiency and productivity
Batch import the candidates, schedule interviews, evaluate and search by skills, keep every recruiting and interview decision and history record
Sign up today Difference between applicant and candidateWhy you need the candidate management system?
Batch importing
Import candidates and talent from excel/csv files to improve efficiency.
Skills management
Associate skills and skill levels to candidates, and search by skills later.
Full text searching
Attachment uploading, resume parsing and full text searching.
Interview management
Schedule interviews and assign interview tasks.
Get notified when 'stuck'
Get email notification automatically when a candidate is 'stuck' and need your attention.
Talent pools building
Build talent pools for effective future recruiting.

Manage all the information of candidates in centralized database
We provide a centralized recruitment information center for recruiters, where he or she can list, search and update all the candidates.
A candidate can have as much as possible skills and interview histories records. All the updates, all the history are saved in our recruitment database, where you can review and report on recruitment metrics.
And full text searching is another great tool to find appropriate candidates for job opening. You don't need to extract resume information by yourself, all the resumes and attachments uploaded can be searched directly.